Sustainable Consumption Conference 2011

Conference Programme


Young researchers in the inter- and transdisciplinary field of research on sustainable consumption as well as in the field of sustainability sciences in general were warmly invited to attend the pre-conferenceResearch on Sustainable Consumption – Present and Future Perspectives for Young Academics” on Sunday, 6th November 2011, from 09:00 to 17:00.

Main Conference

Download the conference programme (print version) and the programme update (November 8th, 2011)

Sunday, November 6th 2011

16:15 - Registration opening
17:15 - Official opening of the conference
18:15 - Keynote lecture Alan Warde, (University of Manchester, UK)
19:00 - Welcoming reception

Monday, November 7th 2011

09:00 - Keynote lecture Elizabeth Shove (Lancaster University, UK)
- Open sessions (presentation of papers and posters)
13:30 - Keynote lecture Kate Soper (London Metropolitan University, UK)
- Open sessions (presentation of papers and posters)
- Symposium "Do households save electricity through feedback based on Smart Metering systems?" (flyer / reader)
19:00 - Conference dinner (in the location "Prototyp Lofts" in the "Speicherstadt", a historic complex of warehouse and storage blocks)

Tuesday, November 8th 2011

09:00 - Keynote lecture Arnold Tukker (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO)
- Open sessions (presentation of papers and posters)
13:30 - Keynote lecture Inge Røpke (Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DK)
- Open sessions (presentation of papers and posters)
15:45 - Keynote lecture Lucia Reisch (Copenhagen Business School, DK)
- Keynote lecture Erik Assadourian (World Watch Institute, USA)
17:00 - End of the conference / Farewell Coffee


The conference language was English as the modern lingua franca.


Contact information

SÖF-Konsum-BF, Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity

University of Basel
Program Man-Society-Environment (MGU)
Vesalgasse 1
CH-4051 Basel